Friday, October 23, 2009

More .......Baby Kinsley Photos..................3 Weeks Old

In her strawberry sweat outfit.

Looking good in her pink nit wear.

She is already on the phone telling everyone about her cool shades.

We had to buy the tutu outfit, and put a huge flower on her head. Just for a picture.

In her swing ready to take a nap.

Falling asleep

Watching me with one eye to see if I will leave her alone and stop flashing that bright light in her face.
Kinsley is three weeks old already. She is doing good eating and sleeping. She wakes up at night every 2 and a half hours to eat, but during the day I usually have to wake her up to eat. She is so sweet and seems to be getting use to life outside my belly. Scott and I seem to be getting pretty fast at changing the abundance of diapers she goes though each day. We also had her professional pictures taken this week. There is one posted up on her blog page under the date Oct. 21st. Go to to see it the rest will be on her web site in the next few days and I will send you the password to be able to view them, as soon as I get it.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

What's new at 2 weeks old

Daddy gave Kinsley her first bottle.
Enjoying some fresh air.

Our 1st public outing to Dillard's. Gota train her early in the art of shopping.

The Grandpa's and Daddy had there celebratory cigar.

Mommy still likes to dress Kinsley up and do her daily photo shoot.

We tried our big crib out. She seemed to like it. But didn't go to sleep in it just checked it out.

She loves to get dressed up and take pictures.........sometimes, ha ha.

She is starting to stay awake a little more during the day.

Looking good in the morning.

Our 1st walk in our stroller. We did laps around the neighborhood.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I can't belive a week has allready gone by...

This is Kinsley stretching out. On her pretty blanket Grandma Debi made for her.
Kinsley in her swing, which she loves and we love even more. We call it the Quite machine. She is hanging out with Bevo for the UT game.

Her 2nd outing to the Dr. office.

In her car seat going to see the Dr.

Just the cutest baby ever. We are all doing well. She gets a bit fussy right when Mommy and Daddy try to go to sleep. I think she just doesn't like to be alone in her cradle. Otherwise we eat and sleep most of the day still. After her feedings she stays awake for a little bit and then we all get out our cameras and try to catch a picture with her eyes open. She is a great baby, of course we can't wait till she starts to stay awake for longer periods of time. So we can see more of her pretty eyes. We are so luck to have such a healthy beautiful baby. Thank you for all of your congratulation wishes
We are also so lucky to have such great Family and Friends. Love you all.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Baby Kinsley has arrived

Kinsley June Falltrick was born on October 3rd at 10:32 pm. She weighed 7lb 13oz and is 20 1/2 inches long.

We got to bring home our new baby on Monday the 5th.

She loves to be swadled in her blankets.

Mommy just can't help but to dress her up all ready

She is a perfect baby. We are all getting use to eachother, her party time is at night about 12am she wakes up and dosn't want Daddy or Mommy to sleep. So were a bit sleepy ourselfs. I will try to post more soon.


To our friends and family,

I will do my best to post all new up-dates and information about us and the Baby. We love all of our friends and family, and are thriled to share with you our new and exciting baby news. Please click on follow below to keep up with us.

Danette and Scott

Danette and Scott


The Dog's

The Dog's