Saturday, January 23, 2010

16 weeks old and getting bigger everyday

Well were getting closer to the 4 month mark. Which means another round of immunizations and maybe starting to add some rice cereal to our diet. She is still on the exclusively only breast milk diet. So I am a little excited about starting to introducing solids.
We have about a week and a half to go till she turns 4 months and we visit the Pediatrician that day. She will be the one that will give us the go ahead on starting stage one foods which is rice cereal and then some fruits and veggies. So I bought a box of rice cereal today in anticipation. Stay tuned for that news and the funny pictures that will accompany the messy first feedings.

Kinsley is really a great baby she sleeps anywhere from 6-10hrs. a night. She is talking up a storm now and Scott swears she is trying to say Hi already...........ya never know. Mommy still finds entertainment in dressing up her sweet baby girl and taking pictures. She seems to enjoy posing for the camera. I think she is actually starting to connect the blinking light on the camera to...... time to smile for a photo. She sure is growing fast she weighs about 13lbs. now. Well other news with us is Scott moved to a new fire station which is a few minutes closer to home. He maybe saves about 10 mins. on drive time. He seems to like the switch and the chance to work with a different crew. The department moved a bunch of guys around just to mix things up a bit.
As for me I am loving working 3 or 4 day work weeks, spending as much time as possible with my baby. I am also staying busy at work when I am there. I am so lucky to have such great clients that stuck with me and came back to see me when I returned from maternity leave. Scott and I are just so very lucky and grateful for having such a great careers, family support and the most precious baby in the world. Well that's all folks.............until next update.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

13-15 weeks old update

Scott had a birthday and we celebrated it by having our first night out. We went to a club with some friends and had fun dancing . Grandma and Grandpa Graham watched Kinsely over night for us. I shed a tear or so when we were leaving to go out, but they sent me text updates through out the night so I felt like I was not so far away from her. We had a great time together and Grandparents did a great job of keeping Kinsley safe and happy for us.
Kinsley has rolled over from her stomach to her back, but only a few times. She does 18o spins in her crib at night though. She is on the move now she just hasn't figured out how to control all of the movements yet. But it is sure fun to watch her.

I have been making her bows she tells me
that she loves to wear bows.

Well Kinsley is getting to be more and more of a little person each day, learning what she can do and trying to figure out what everything is around her.

This is one of the things she enjoys is watching TV. Scott has her watching educational video's all ready. I think her first word is going to Hippopotamus.

Here she is getting her TV time in usually she watches it while we make breakfast for our self.

Monday, January 4, 2010

3 months old and ringing in a new year

Kinsley and Mommy by the fire on New Years Eve.

Well Kinsley is officially now an infant. She turned 3months old on Jan. 3rd and lost the title of being a newborn.
Scott on the doc at camp creek New Years eve..

Kinsley amazes us everyday by dong something new. She is still sleeping through the night, which is great for the bags under my eyes.

This picture is of Aislynn and I with our babies by the fire.

Scott and I got to spend New Years weekend with some friends. We went to there cabin on Camp Creek. It was a great way to spend New Years. We hung out by the fire outside and feed the deer's corn. One even ate out of my hand.

Scott helped
Norman grill by keeping him dry when it rained a bit.
I got a new camera for Christmas which I was so excited about using on this trip but I broke it on our way out to the cabin. Slippery fingers I have.............. I dropped it on the asphalt. It no longer works, needless to say I cried like a baby realizing how horrible I felt breaking my Christmas present only days after I received it. Scott promised to get it fixed for me. What a great husband I have. So these pictures are from Aislynn's camera, and that is why there small, since I just copied them from off her album on a web site.
Well Kinsley is also starting to talk allot, we are not sure what she is tyring to say but it sure does make us laugh.
Hope everyone had a great New Years Celebration
and that this year bring everyone lots of joy and happiness.


To our friends and family,

I will do my best to post all new up-dates and information about us and the Baby. We love all of our friends and family, and are thriled to share with you our new and exciting baby news. Please click on follow below to keep up with us.

Danette and Scott

Danette and Scott


The Dog's

The Dog's